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Jasmine Website Starter

Jasmine Website Starter Logo

Jasmine Web Starter is a HTML & CSS template, which allows you to build & deploy your very first website.

Using nothing more than a browser, your chosen device to work on, an internet connection and a Free GitHub account, you can build & deploy a simple website with no costs and nothing to install.

Designed specifically for those with little or no experience of coding & website design, but also ideal for the more experienced who just need to make a simply styled webpage in a hurry.

Never used a HTML & CSS Template or GitHub before?

No problem, with the help of our step by step tutorial you will learn how to update content within the HTML file, which is styled by the CSS to give you a modern fresh page layout.

Along the way to building your first website we also guide you through the steps of working with GitHub. Showing you how to use Git to track the version of the changes to your page, learn how to raise an issue on GitHub and how to work in a branch to explore and make changes to your website then merge the branch back into the main project once you are happy with the changes.

Having a working knowledge of GitHub can be very useful if you would like to look into working on a open source project, or start working with other developers on a project. But the skills are not limited to just developers, its a great idea for everyone in a modern company to have some working knowledge of GitHub too, either to work with one another or just to have a understanding of the common terms used.

Jasmine Website Starter Templates

Jasmine One Column Layout Starter

Jasmine Website Starter One Column Layout

This template provides you with a preset one column layout controlled using CSS flex properties.

Jasmine Two Column Layout Starter

Jasmine Website Starter Two Column Layout

This template provides you with a preset two column layout controlled using CSS flex properties.

How to use these templates web editor

Choosing one of these two template layout designs, our tutorial then takes you through the steps of how to change and add content to the HTML page, using online code editors in GitHub, creating a finished webpage for a fictional club's day trip, which you will then deploy with GitHub Pages.

But you don't have to follow our content changes as you go through the tutorial, as the templates allow you to add your words and images into the HTML page to make it your own. Plus you can also explore further layout and design possibilities in our Docs reference section with JWS Styling - Layouts, Variables and Styling Extras.

The templates are designed as a basis for you to create a webpage to either promote an event, to talk about yourself / product or just a home for links to other sites you use. Maybe you can see another use, if so great build away.

For those who are already familiar with HTML & CSS, we have included in our templates a base CSS file that can also be used as a Classless CSS solution. This is great if your wanting to rapid prototype or to just build a few pages with a base style. Though if you want a page layout you would need to add the class names, which are covered on our Styles Layout page.

We plan to release a series of extra tutorials to add more features into your website.

How to deploy these templates

After you have created your finished webpage it will need deploying to hosting or else who's going to see it? Well GitHub Pages allows you to host a website directly from your GitHub repository for free!!

Our tutorial also provides a step by step guide helping you setup GitHub Pages to host your website.

Currently our Docs cover using GitHub Pages, but we plan to release additional tutorials for deploying onto other hosting options which allow commercial use and show you how to link your domain to your website. And all from your Repository, so you can carry on editing the website in the same way that the tutorial covers and auto deploy to the hosting using a Continuous Integration Pipeline (GitHub Action).

Please feel free to contact us today with any questions you may have or to get started using our services.

Health Check / Website MOT

We offer a website Health Check, an MOT for your website so to say.

Further to the free online self checks you can use we will do a more comprehensive review of your website and provide you with a report on how your site is not just performing but offer steps on how it can be improved. Which you can take back to your current designer or employ our team to carry out any changes or improvements required.

Website Health Check covers the following area's

  • Code Validation
  • Search Engine Performance
  • Page Load Time
  • Links to your site
  • Does your site support mobile users?

To use this service please Contact Us and we will be very happy to help.

If you have a Website need or maybe just a question or two, then get in

Contact with us

and we would be very happy to help.