Would you like to collect data or feedback from your customers?

Web Forms

JasmineDesign Web Forms

Collect information from your users using a form on your website.

Web Forms are a very powerful tool that can be added to any web page, which then allows users to input data or interact with a website, by filling out fields and submitting information.

A Form Handler or Form Action is used by the Web Form to save that information to a database or send an email.

Stay focused on the important tasks on your desk, let us create and take care of the rest. Making sure your Web Forms are easy to use for your customers plus optimized for performance, flexibility, and security.

Adding a Web Form and Handler to your site

A Web Form can be added to just about any web page but it needs two parts to function. A Web Form to collect information from the user and a Form Handler to process the data once the user clicks the submit button.

However depending upon your web hosting the required back end programming language might not be able to run the Form Handler, in this case you would need to run the Form Handler request on a third party resource.

Adding a Web Form with a third party provider

The options to run the Form and Form Handler on a third party are split into two groups. You can self host or use a monthly paid service.

Firstly self hosting is to use another server you own and run with support for back end programming languages or we could use a Serverless Functions from a Cloud vendor these allow us to upload the required code for the Form Handler which is then requested from the Form as the user clicks the submit button.

Secondly paid monthly service from a Form provider. This type of service allows you to pay a fee each month for the access to design and run Forms on there service which then are embedded within the required web page on your website.

We would be very happy to work with you to solve any Web Form needs or problems you might have. Please feel free to contact us with you requirements.

Accessibility & Validation

Web Forms should be accessible to as many customers as possible, its important to think about field labels and error messages to make sure that everyone can work with your forms.

Validation should be added to the Form to help the user interact with filling out the fields. However there is a rule of web development that's "never trust user input" so validation should also be added to the Form Handler on the server to double check the data before it is worked on.

Please feel free to contact us today with any questions you may have or to get started using our services.

Health Check / Website MOT

We offer a website Health Check, an MOT for your website so to say.

Further to the free online self checks you can use we will do a more comprehensive review of your website and provide you with a report on how your site is not just performing but offer steps on how it can be improved. Which you can take back to your current designer or employ our team to carry out any changes or improvements required.

Website Health Check covers the following area's

  • Code Validation
  • Search Engine Performance
  • Page Load Time
  • Links to your site
  • Does your site support mobile users?

To use this service please Contact Us and we will be very happy to help.

If you have a Website need or maybe just a question or two, then get in

Contact with us

and we would be very happy to help.