VS Code Server

Developing Remotely

VS Code Server," along with a CLI that makes it easy to install, update, manage, and connect to the service

The VS Code Server in preview - Remote Development

Microsoft have released a way to run the backend part of VS Code on your machine of choice then remotely connect to it from any other device.

Remote Tunnels is now available as a preview feature on VS Code Stable. Remote tunnels allow you to securely access your machine with VS Code from any device, anywhere.

To enable remote tunnel access, you can either:

  • Choose Turn on Remote Tunnel Access from the Account menu or Command Palette.
  • Run code tunnel from a machine with VS Code installed and on the PATH.
  • Download the new VS Code CLI and run ./code tunnel.

Once tunnel access is turned on, you can connect to the machine from any device using vscode.dev, or using the Remote - Tunnels extension from within VS Code Desktop.

Note: VS Code Setup will add Visual Studio Code to your %PATH%, so from the console you can type code . to open VS Code on that folder. You will need to restart your console after the installation for the change to the %PATH% environmental variable to take effect.

Here is the release blog post for more information on the Visual Studio Code Server.

Check out the VS Code Server and Remote Tunnels documentation to get started.

GitHub Codespaces

GitHub Codespaces allows you to develop entirely in a cloud environment with up to 32 cores. Using Codespaces a integrated development environment (IDE) built around Visual Studio Code on GitHub that can be accessed from a web browser, Visual Studio Code, or using SSH.

GitHub Codespaces is a Chargeable product, but with a free of charge GitHub account you still get 120 core hours of usage and 15 GB-monthly storage included each month. Which means if you use 2 core option to setup your Codespace you will get 60 Hours free each month, but if you want more you can setup billing details to allow this. Pro accounts get 180 core hours and 20 GB storage per month.

You can develop in your Codespace directly in Visual Studio Code. By connecting the Visual Studio Codespaces extension with your account on GitHub or you can use a browser-based editor.

Other Cloud Development Environments

JasmineDesign Development Workspace

Please see our Writing Code at JasmineDesign for a full list of available environments.